Een andere wereld | Un autre monde | Another World
Laboratorium van waan en fantasie. Museum Dr. Guislain Gent
Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 35,99.€ 12,50Huidige prijs is: € 12,50.
Waar ligt de grens tussen fantasie en werkelijkheid? Hoe onderscheid je droom van delirium, waan van wens, hallucinatie van inzicht? Op welke manier kan je onderzoeken of verbeelden wat zich ergens anders afspeelt? De tentoonstelling neemt, vertrekkend van de vele vragen rond psychose, hallucinatie en waan, twee eeuwen in ogenschouw. Niet om een historisch verhaal te vertellen, maar om uit die periode vijf eigenzinnige oeuvres te lichten die balanceren tussen kunst, kunde en wetenschap. Where does reality end and fantasy begin? When can we talk about an hallucination? How do we bridge the gap between our world and others; and imagine or research what is happening elsewhere? ‘Another World’ opens the gateway to alternative realities. It shows how science and art have explored the unknown areas of the mind for the last two centuries. As innovative as it is offbeat; this story begins with selections from the oeuvres of four amazing creative thinkers; each of whom have generated a different world. From walking pencils to flying bicycles; materialised ghosts and optical illusions; nothing is too odd for this book and its curious insights into the human mind. The Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent is a unique and prestigious museum with a vast collection on the history of psychiatry; and an internationally acclaimed collection of outsider art. The museum also organises temporary exhibitions based on their fascination for the not-ordinary ; where delusion and science; art and culture; are exposed in a different way.