Anton Heyboer
The Philosophy of an Original Mind
€ 29,95 Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 29,95.€ 12,50Huidige prijs is: € 12,50.
ISBN: 9789077228425. Bindwijze: geb Taal: EN Uitgever: Samsara Auteur: Anton Heyboer Paginas: 184 Categorie: Kunst.
‘The Philosophy of an Original Mind’ is not so much about Anton Heyboer, the famous Dutch artist known for his eccentric way of life, but is more a collection of statements and stories by Anton Heyboer himself. These stories have, over the years, been recorded on tape by one of his five wives, Lotti. This special edition by Samsara books and Leslie Sacke Editions also contains many previously unknown photographs of Heyboer and his work from the archives of his wives. This book, with early etchings, paintings, drawings, sculptures and collages, gives an overview of the life, work and mind of this great Dutch artist.
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