Fear, sadness, surprise, anger, lust and love – virtually nothing was more important in the paintings of the Golden Age than convincingly depicting human emotions. In this publication, the Frans Hals Museum and Rembrandt expert Gary Schwartz present a selection of masterpieces in which these emotions are sublimely portrayed.
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Ecce Homo
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Riksa Afiaty
Power & Other Things
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Gary Schwartz
Angst, verdriet, verbazing, woede, lust en liefde - vrijwel niets was in de schilderkunst van de Gouden Eeuw belangrijker dan het overtuigend in beeld brengen van menselijke emoties. In deze publicatie presenteren het Frans Hals Museum en Rembrandtkenner Gary Schwartz een keur aan meesterwerken waarin deze emoties subliem verbeeld worden. Volgens zeventiende-eeuwse kenners was de schoonheid van een schilderij niet half zo belangrijk als de hartstochten die erin te zien waren, dat was de 'ziel' van het werk. Schilders als Rembrandt, Frans Hals, Maerten van Heemskerck en Cornelis van Haarlem waren meesters in het verbeelden van uiteenlopende emoties. Wetenschapsfilosoof Machiel Keestra licht vanuit de psychologie en hersenwetenschap toe waarom geschilderde emoties ons ook nu nog blijven fascineren en verwonderen nai010pap - 152 blz

Ton & Mies Becker
Twentieth Century Modernisms in Balinese Wood Carvings
'The Becker Collection - Twentieth century modernisms in Balinese wood carving' contains the private collection of twentieth century ?modern style? Balinese wood carvings, collected by Ton and Mies Becker, both retired medical specialists and collectors of Asian art. Between the 8th and 10th century Hindu influences spread to Bali and blended into the exiting Balinese mix of animistic and Buddhist styles and subjects, known as Bali Aga. Hence, in due time the craftsmen obtained the subjects for their works from the Hindu-Balinese religion and their heroes and demons from famous Hindu epics. This particular style became known in the Western art world as the ?Traditional or Old Balinese style?. In the 20th century the arts and crafts scene in Bali changed completely. First because of Western artist who visited Bali and stayed on to work there and, second, because of the gradual influx of increasing numbers of foreign tourists. In addition the Dutch colonial government started a military campaign to control the powerful kingdoms of central and southern Bali. As a result the local craftsmen lost their royal support and soon realized that foreign tourists were not particularly interested in gods and heroes. Hence, stimulated by some of the Western artists who had settled in Bali, they turned to secular subjects taken from nature and everyday life and became more impressionistic in the execution. This led to a range of new styles, often impressionistic and sometimes even minimalistic and caricatural with bizarre elongated shapes or solid compact forms. In this book we are concerned with this particular type of 20th century ?Modern Style? Balinese wood carving. The catalogue contains 40 objects of ?modern style? wood carving, representing different styles. Each object is photographed, both as an overview and in details if so requested. A brief description of each object is provided, together with the estimated date, and additional information is provided if considered useful. The catalogue is preceded by an essay on the history of Balinese wood carving. Van Spijkgeb - 144 blz