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Dutch town planning overseas during VOC en WIC rule (1600-1800)
€ 31,95 Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 31,95.€ 9,90Huidige prijs is: € 9,90.
ISBN: 9789057301049.
Walburg Pers
Categorie: Geschiedenis.
‘Dutch Town Planning Overseas during VOC and WIC Rule’ offers a complete overview of the Dutch-founded settlements oversea – of their origin, design and development, as well as insights into their planning and building process. Through the different typologies for settlements established by the VOC and WIC, eventually, an outline of the characteristics of Dutch colonial town planning is given.
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Karel Vlierman
Cogs, Small Cogs and Boats
From the thirteenth to the fifteenth century an important part of the economy in northwestern Europe was based on trade in the Hanseatic League. The main means of transport consisted of ships, mainly cogs. The importance of this type of ship was already apparent from medieval documents, miniatures, and other sources. However, until the mid-twentieth century, no material remains of such ships were known. Results from archaeological excavations of shipwrecks had to be awaited for greater clarity on the construction, technology and appearance of these ships. One of the world's largest collections of medieval shipwrecks emerged after the Second World War during the partial reclamation of the IJsselmeer lake (the former Zuiderzee inlet) in the Netherlands, where three polders were created from 1942 onwards. During these works, hundreds of shipwrecks from the period between 1250 and 1900 were discovered, about twenty of these being cogs. The first cog was excavated in 1944. The famed cog, with its remarkable construction and the ingenious manner in which the seams between the planks were made watertight using moss, laths and iron clamps, clearly demanded an in-depth study. The Netherlands were an ideal place to start, as more than half of all the cog wrecks in Europe have been found, (partially) excavated and studied in the Netherlands. Maritime archaeologist Karel Vlierman has excavated shipwrecks all his working life. He dedicated himself to the research of these ships, including two cogs found at Doel near Antwerp and the recently uncovered cog from the river IJssel near Kampen. His research of more than twenty years has resulted in a monograph of 996 illustrated pages, together with some 70 large technical drawings of all the investigated cogs and their reconstructions. The monograph (in two volumes) and the folder with the 70 technical drawings -in A0, A1 and A2 format- together come in a fine slipcase. Karel Vlierman explains the shipbuilding tradition of the Hanseatic period in detail and clarifies the differences between the cog and, for example, the 'nef' of the southern North Sea, which belongs to the Nordic or Scandinavian tradition. Based on the finds excavated at Kampen, he considers it very likely that a shipyard was located there in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century. The largest piece of woollen sail ever excavated was discovered at Kampen. Hundreds of typical iron clamps too were found, some of them unused, suggesting a blacksmith's workshop specifically dedicated to producing them. Ships could be hauled out from the water and, after repairs, sail to the Zuiderzee via the IJssel. This is the first cog shipyard ever to be discovered in the Netherlands. Until the 'IJssel cog' was discovered and excavated near Kampen, the so-called 'Nijkerk-II' was the best-preserved known cog. The analysis of this cog was the starting point for this study, together with the experience gained during the construction of a replica of it, the so-called Kamper Kogge (Kampen Cog). It gradually became clear that there had been a tradition of cog building. Through studying and drawing all the cog wrecks, it was possible to make reconstruction drawings of many of them, with the benefit of evidence already obtained from other wrecks. This voluminous and impressive book will set the standard for publications on maritime archaeology for decades to come, as it is the landmark handbook for the way in which shipwrecks should be documented, described, and reconstructed. The detailed manner in which the technical drawings have been created makes it possible to construct virtual 3D models. The vectorised drawings are of a very high quality and are available digitally. In addition, Karel Vlierman created about twenty artists&; impressions of the cogs as they must have looked during operation and of life on board. These not only appear in a large format in the book but are also available as postcards and posters. This will be the standard work on cogs, the first of its kind to be published, with the size and scope of the study unequaled in any area of maritime archaeology. The famous publication on the sixteenth-century ship Mary Rose comes close but is about a single ship only. The present book on cogs covers the entire spectrum of these vessels, from seagoing ships to boats and barges plying the inland waterways and even a possible military cog for army transport. SPA uitgeversgeb - 996 blz

Vibeke Roeper
Hamel’s World
In 1653 the VOC ship Sperwer smashed to pieces on the rocks off a remote Korean island. There were thirty-six survivors. The king of Korea decided that the foreigners should spend the rest of their lives in his hermit kingdom. The Dutchmen were provided with food and housing and a certain amount of freedom of movement, but had no choice but to accept their fate. After 13 years eight of them managed to reach Japan in a small, barely seaworthy boat. Hendrik Hamel¹s report on their adventures soon became available to a wider public. For two centuries it was the most important source of information about the mysterious kingdom of Korea. It continues to fascinate as a report of a meeting between two completely different cultures. In 2003, 350 years after the event, the stranding of the Dutchmen is widely commemorated in Korea. The present book includes Jean-Paul Buys' modern English translation of a complete version of Hamel's Journael. Additional chapters by Leonard Blussé, W.J. Boot, Vibeke Roeper and Boudewijn Walraven describe the world familiar to VOC employees and the strange world of the Far East which, much against their will, Hamel and his compatriots came to know so well.geschiedenis

Wytze Stellingwerf
The Patriot Behind the Pot
The Patriot behind the pot tells the story of pottery, people and politics in the Netherlands during a time of great revolutions; revolutions both in a political and industrial sense. This study shows how at the end of the 18th century numerous Dutch people used all kinds of ceramic and glass items in their household as media to convey their political stance in favor of or against the ruling House of Orange. Many of these more than 200 years old politically charged items have been preserved in museum collections. Sporadically, pieces of them are retrieved from archaeological sites as well. Along with dozens of historical sources and hundreds of other ceramic and glass artifacts that were discarded or lost by their former owners in the same archaeological contexts, these fascinating objects with a certain political meaning have been examined in order to understand the material culture of Dutch Orangists and Patriots in the period around 1800. Apart from a thorough study of late 18th- and early 19th-century ceramics and glassware in the Netherlands, this book presents an extensive catalog of politically charged items from the period 1780-1815. This might help archaeologists, art-historians and collectors to recognize and further study these objects of great historical value. This book comprises a Master thesis written by Wytze Stellingwerf. In 2017 he graduated at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University. This thesis was nominated for three prizes, respectively the national archaeological W.A. van Es prize, the Leiden University thesis prize and the IISG prize of the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. SPA uitgeverspap - 407 blz

Anita Blom
Post-War Reconstruction in the Netherlands 1945-1965
For English see below- Europa kwam zwaar gehavend uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Nederland pakte, ondanks de omvang, de armoede en aanzienlijke oorlogsschade, de wederopbouw voortvarend op. Gebombardeerde steden en dorpen herrezen uit het puin en dankzij centrale sturing werd Nederland ruimtelijk opnieuw ingericht. Ook in economisch en sociaal-maatschappelijk opzicht vonden ingrijpende vernieuwingen plaats. Het gevoel van optimisme leidde tot een verrassend grote diversiteit in architectuur, stedenbouw en landschapsinrichting. De toepassing van nieuwe technieken en materialen leidde tot bijzondere experimenten. Bovendien werden veel bouwwerken voorzien van monumentale kunst, waarbij architecten en kunstenaars nauw samenwerkten. De wederopbouw van Nederland in de jaren 1945-1965 was een prestatie van formaat. Deze publicatie toont een overzicht van de bouwwerken van het herrijzende Nederland en gaat in op de betekenis van het erfgoed van de Wederopbouw voor de actuele opgave van transformatie en herbestemming.- Europe was hurt badly during the Second World War. The Netherlands, despite the dimensions of the task ahead, the poverty and the significant war damage, took up reconstruction expeditiously. Bombed cities and villages re-emerged from the rubble and thanks to central management, the Netherlands were redeveloped spatially. In economic and social terms, significant innovations took place as well. The sense of optimism led to a surprisingly wide diversity in architecture, urban planning and landscape design. The application of new techniques and materials led to exceptional experiments. Moreover, many buildings were provided with monumental art, architects and artists working closely together. The reconstruction of the Netherlands in the years 1945-1965 was a huge feat. This publication gives an overview of the buildings in the re-emerging Netherlands and examines the significance of this heritage of the reconstruction for current tasks of transformation and rezoning. - Engelstalig boek nai010pap - 232 blz